The best way to learn online stock trading is to actually do it - in a game, that is. Before you invest top dollar in the real deal, try online stock trading games first. These games simulate the stock market very realistically. You can develop a lot of investor insight and tactics just from losing and winning.
Benefits of Online Stock Trading
Stock Trade
Online stock trading games have been very successful in creating awareness of and raising interest in investing. In fact, even younger people who play the games - particularly teenagers - have shown heightened financial management skills. In fact, educators are now looking at online stock trading games as possible study aids. Many schools and universities have either incorporated -or are planning to very soon incorporate- games into economics and finance classes.
Easy to Use
Anyone can play online stock trading games. Just sign up for a free mock account, and you can start dealing like a pro, too. You can easily set up a virtual stocks and shares portfolio, spread betting, or CFD or Forex trading portfolio. After this, you can instantly compete against your friends or anyone else in the mock trading competitions. You can even join competitive leagues. The games are available not only for personal computers, but also for portable mobile devices such as wireless Internet-capable personal digital assistants and even cellular phones.
Offline Stock Trading Games
If you are not particularly technologically savvy, do not worry - there are also more "traditional" stock trading games available for you. These games look much like regular card games - you trade your cards (as stocks) with the aim of cornering a specific stock market (getting all the stock cards). The games come complete with trading rules and even trading how-to's. They are usually inexpensive - most are available for under .
Online Stock Trading Games